Factors and points counted by Canada immigration consultants in Dubai

Ever wondered what it takes to immigrate to Canada? Is there any factor of set of rules to obtain permanent residency in this country? In that case, these questions are obvious to reflect over as they seem to be applicable in this case. First of all, it is essential to determine the purpose of moving to Canada permanently. Secondly, checking eligibility and other criteria becomes important. Let’s discuss how age factor and other immigration factors are worth a consideration herein.

To start with, skilled workers have to focus on express entry guidelines ruled out by Canada. It is this permanent residency in the country which was laid out in 2015 by the Canadian Government. In fact, on the basis of comprehensive ranking system is followed to invite candidates applying for permanent residence in Canada. It’s time to take a look at factors elaborately to understand eligibility criteria of moving to this nation and active role of Canada immigration consultants in Dubai:

Age factor guidelines: The age factor is the supreme factor included in the selection of candidate for immigration as a skilled worker in Canada. Basically, points are allocated in this segment, wherein, the people falling in the age group of 18-35 receive total of 12 points. On the other hand, 1 point gets deducted every year if the candidate has attained more than 35 years’ age. Most of all, the points become 0 when the person turns 45.

Language assessment: Highest level of language proficiency is checked as a part of this factor. People applying for immigration need to score minimum of 16 points to qualify on language assessment grounds checked by Canada immigration consultants in Dubai. Alternatively, the maximum of 28 points are considered as a selection process of permanent residency in Canada.

Basic qualification eligibility (highest education): A total of 25 points are awarded to candidate for education factor of evaluation. Individuals who have obtained doctoral degrees stand higher chances of gaining more points. If the foreign credentials application is included in the picture, then, their equivalence to points allocation gets utilized by the Canada immigration consultants in Dubai for shortlisting the applicant for the process of migration.

Adaptability: In the scenario of adaptability, up to 10 marks can be scored, wherein, previous studying history, work experience in Canada and arranged employment are counted as the source of consideration for immigration. The maximum points are allotted for 1 year skilled work experience in Canada.

How Canada immigration consultants in Dubai apply these factors for selection?

Most of the people are confident about their selection when they apply for immigration. Nevertheless, the fact remains unchanged that Canada immigration consultants in Dubai have to assess a person’s skills before he qualifies for permanent residency.The total of 100 points are evaluated through above factors to qualify person for immigration. Furthermore, the Canadian Government has ruled out that highly skilled workers should only be preferred for immigration. On a whole, it won’t be wrong to say that an individual should clear all the stages to get required score for qualifying immigration score.

Source of article: https://topsitenet.com
